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Doughnuts: Is There Anything They Can't Do?
Famed Prognosticator Warns "Disaster Awaits Us All"
Eyes Move While Reading Tickers, Scientists Speculate
Pigeon Alert! Extreme Pigeon Danger!

Welcome to my Website!

Did you know? Snails do not get sedated by ketamine

Did you know? There are over 1000 different pressings of Dark Side of the Moon.

NOTICE: This is an LGBTQ+ run site. Allies allowed, but you're on thin ice. This is my gay little webpage. If you hate queer people, people using the word queer, trans people, furries, are a nazi or otherwise a member of the far right, or just generally think poorly of other races, religions, or cultures, leave now. I think you're lame and don't want you around. Click here to go back to neocities.

To do list, in order of how they should probably be done:

Here's how you can add an image:

Here's how to make a list:

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!